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发布时间:2023-08-08 点击量:76

National University of Singapore’s (NUS) graduate programmes are designed to nurture a passion for inquiry and to provide students with the tools to tackle intellectual challenges with confidence and creativity. NUS offers a wide range of graduate programmes catering for a variety of interests, namely:

  • Doctoral degree programmes which are primarily research-based and are typically the first choice for students who seek depth of knowledge, enjoy creative problem solving, and who aspire to hold high level positions in their respective fields.
  • Master's degree programmes which are primarily designed to prepare students for the practice of a profession (typically Master's by coursework), or to master a subject area as a precursor to doctoral training (typically Master's by research).
  • Graduate Diploma provides focused professional training in a specific niche. Graduate Diploma is often favoured by students who seek additional exposure to an area of interest without committing themselves to longer-term further studies.

These programmes offer excellent opportunities for students to further develop their potential as intellectual leaders for a wide range of career paths.

 NUS is home to students and faculty members from many countries. Its faculty members have an international reputation for research excellence in many fields. They have built collaborations in research across national borders and disciplines. Some of these collaborations provide opportunities for students to work towards a Ph.D. degree conferred jointly by NUS and an overseas partner university.
